New Expedition in the Capatanii Mountains

After last year’s expedition I knew we had to come back for more. I have agreed with the White Wolves to make another attempt to find the way between Horezu and Curmatura Oltetului last Saturday, June 26th, 2010 AD 🙂 There is a lot to show, but for now I will only post some unedited videos ( HD video shot with a handheld Flip Camera)

And we reached the fitfh peak over 2000m high BY CAR in the past 12 months 🙂 – Nedei Peak . After that we went down to Curmatura Oltetului and stopped a bit to see the overflowing dam at Lake Petrimanu

In Ciugnetu we split into two groups. My group went to Valea Macesului and did Strategica once again da capo al fine:

We did go into a deep fog after Plaiul Poienilor, so the only shots we could take after this were at the end of Strategica, where some colleagues from other forums said there was a 4 m deep pool. We just HAD to stop and check. Razvanutza plays Moses:

There are several additional videos on my youtube channel.

I have to admit that video is not my thing, but I would also like to invite you to come back very soon (via RSS or email ) for photos from this trip into a wonderful area.

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